Home Mongolia 3500TPD Iron Mining and Processing Plant

Mongolia 3500TPD Iron Mining and Processing Plant

XinHaiXinHai Aug 29, 2022Aug 29, 2022 768768
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Mongolia 3500TPD Iron Mining and Processing Plant 2.jpg

01Project Overview

The area where the project is located is a Mongolian steppe landform with flat and open terrain. The Mongolian national road passes through the north side of the mining area, and there is a railway station on the northwest side, so the transportation of the mining area is convenient.
The ore processed in this project is single magnetite with an average iron grade of 36.85%.

02Our Solution

At mining stage, the mine adopts the method of open-pit mining, and the road transportation is developed.
At dressing stage, Three stages and one closed circuit crushing and screening - stage grinding stage magnetic separation - concentrate tailing de-watering process flow are adopted. It contains crushing and screening, grinding and separation, as well as thickening and de-watering stages.

Mongolia 3500TPD Iron Mining and Processing Plant 1.jpg

03Project results

The product is iron ore concentrate. The iron ore concentrate is divided into two quality grades. The grade of the first-grade product is 65.43%. The grade of the second-grade product is 50~60% and can reach 60.3% when removing those with particle size of +325 mesh . 

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